半山建筑 Semi-mountain Architecture
这栋建筑位于八卦山台地、视野辽阔、可以远眺中央山脉群山,也可俯瞰猫罗溪溪谷,宁静优雅的文化与风土,随台湾现代化交通系统与通讯网便捷,在这半山与都市接轨却无比方便。业主委托设计新家时,这栋半山建筑附近均是大片低矮茶园,希望建筑落成时能在室内也能欣赏这份景致。 在设计上建筑物总长30公尺,是以中心二层建筑量体为主,利用重叠、错离及融合构成方式组成,由次要空间水平向延伸右边16米*3.5米长的户外雨庇及左侧12米长钢结构车库顶棚形成一水平长向白色建筑量体。 室内建筑以清水混凝土墙构筑、室内桧木屏风与室外的孤松,形成光影对话, 建筑构法简单及清净但依然讲究建筑所重视的光影、通风与地景的微气候效应。 自然流动在其间的不只这些自然元素,包含了人的动线,功能的布局,视线的角度,身体的感触;这一流畅的空间可以孕化一个人身处半山环境身心,并随着空间文法的流动微妙的改变居住者的心灵变化。 这肌理曼妙流动于宁静光影空间之中,空间是背景,生活是主体,利用简化格局与宽阔动线拉长空间距离,为了铺成丰富层次,让人难以一眼望尽屋内所有动态,特意配置多道屏风界定空间虚实开合,藉以定义场域里外属性。 The building is located in Bagua mountain mesas, vast horizons, overlooking the central mountain range , also overlooking the Maolou valley , the quiet elegance of culture and customs, along with Taiwan\\\\\\\'s modern transport system and convenient communication network, made this semi-mountain connect to the urban very convenient. When the owner commissions to design the new house, nearby this building is a large low tea plantation, hope when construction was completed, the owner could also enjoy this view inside the house. In this design of the building, the length is 30 meters and the center is the main two-story building, the use of overlapping, composition and fusion composed by extending the right level of secondary space 16 meters times 3.5 meters outdoor rain shelter and the left side is 12 m long steel garage ceiling to form a horizontal long white building massing. Interior architecture is constructed by concrete walls with water , indoor cypress screens and outdoor Lone Pine cypress, the formation of light conversation, building construction method is simple and clean but still pay attention to the importance of architectural lighting , ventilation and landscape of micro- climatic effects . Natural flow in the intervening is not only these natural elements, but including the people\\\\\\\'s moving, functional layout , the angle of sight and the body\\\\\\\'s feeling ; this smooth space could gestate a person lives in mid- mountain physical environment, and with the space current subtle changes dweller’s spirit changed. Here, space is the background , life is the subject, using a simplified pattern and moving lines stretched wide spatial distance , in order to enrich paved level , hard to look into every movement, multi-channel screens specially configured to open and close the actual situation defined space in order to define the field inside and outside property . 设计概念文字为【杨焕生建筑室内设计事务所】提供